I developed GAME out of my concern and frustration surrounding the increased Black/Mexican problems in Los Angeles public schools. As I looked into the problem I began torealize it was much more complex than I'd thought. In fact, I began a dialogue with a Los Angeles Times feature writer who had been covering the social and community problems in South Central for several years. According to the journalist, the Mexican Mafia housed in the Southern California penal system are the catalyst for much of the tension that exists in these communities. These thugs wield a great deal of power inside and outside of prison.
Tensions began in 1992 (after the LA riots) when black gangs called a truce. The Mexican gangs decided to take advantage of
the truce status and moved in on the drug territory of the black gangs. As a consequence, South Central is now 85% Mexican. Blacks have moved out of South Central in droves.
I also realized from recent articles and news reports that the fastest growing prison demographics are young women of color -- many of whom are gang members. I thought by developing a film that would appeal to these young women (who might be at risk) this film could perhaps cause some of them to make different choices from the irreversible choices that my protagonists make and the consequences of those choices. I am aware of the power of cinema and my hope is that this film can reach some of these young people.
Jan Johnson Goldberger